Better Late Than Never — Time to Get Those Cybersecurity Certifications of Compliance into NYDFS

If you are an individual or company regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS), you may have received an email from NYDFS reminding you to submit your Certification of Compliance as soon as possible. New York’s relatively new cybersecurity regulation, 23 NYCRR 500 (the Regulation), requires all people and companies covered by the Regulation (Covered Entities) to file an annual statement by February 15 certifying that the entity was compliant (Certification of Compliance) with the Regulation as of December 31 of… Continue Reading

New York’s New Cyber Law Is Beginning to Byte

In late 2016, in response to the “ever-growing threat” posed to information and financial systems, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) proposed cybersecurity regulations to “promote the protection of customer information and information technology systems of regulated entities.” The DFS defined “covered entities” as any person operating under or required to operate under a license, registration, charter, certificate, permit, accreditation or similar authorization under the Banking Law, the Insurance Law, or the Financial Services Law of New York.  Banks, insurance companies, and… Continue Reading