Digital Cloning: Hacking Your Fingerprints

While your biometrics may be as unique as a snowflake, they can still be digitally captured, copied and used to gain access to your “secure” computer network and data storage facilities.  Using standard photos taken during a press event in October and commercially available software, a 31-year-old member of Europe’s largest association of hackers successfully re-created a digital fingerprint of German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen.  The digital print could then be used not only to fool security software, but with the increasing sophistication… Continue Reading

Don’t Let Love Lead to a Loss

“Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”  Alfred Lord Tennyson probably did not have computer operating systems in mind when he wrote this famous line. Come April 2014, however, those who aren’t willing to end their love affair with Windows XP may lose big. Windows XP was long the favorite operating system for companies.  However, it was also well-known for its vulnerabilities and that Microsoft actively serviced XP providing patches for these vulnerabilities.  On April 8, 2014, Microsoft… Continue Reading